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Opteam group

Action car, Production car

OPTEAM+ LOC collaborates with more than ten national rental companies, internationally recognized in PACA, providing reduces rates and privileged access to a diversified fleet of vehicles – tourism, utility, prestige, in thermal, hybrid and electric versions. OPTEAM+LOC acts as a broker, specialized in supporting film and television productions. OPTEAM+LOC responds to urgent mobility needs, ensuring flexibility and saving time. OPTEAM+LOC’s expertise in budget management and its optimized processes guarantee cost control and effective planning, crucial for the smooth running of each project.

« Mascarade », feature film directed by Nicolas Bedos, produced by les Films du Kiosques
« Classe moyenne », feature film directed by Antony Cordier, produced by Cheyenne Fédération
« Les règles de l’art », feature film directed by Dominique Baumard
Commercials for Afflelou, Lancôme, Leclerc
Opteam has just launched a global CSR initiative, in co-construction with the creation of a CSR steering committee comprising management, an outsourced CSR manager and employees, which will be based on the ISO 26000 reference framework. The company has also signed up to a greenhouse gas emissions assessment programme as part of BPIFrance's Décarbon'action initiative, for which they are receiving support from a specialist consultancy firm.
1200 Route des Lucioles, Valbonne, France
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